After some grocery shopping to stock up on lunch food for the next week, we went to Sports Cafe. It is a really nice looking bar, but it is all Americans. Since our goal is to meet as many Brits as possible, this was definitely not helping. But we stayed and had fun and watched the creepy guys tie sweaters around their waists. We made sure to leave in time to take the last tube home so we wouldn't have to figure out the bus system. Good times had by all on the tube.
When we woke up at 7:15 this next morning, we realized that it might not have been such a good idea to go out like we did. We took an 8 am bus to Warwick (2 hour busride, slept the whole time) and stopped at a rest stop aka "Welcome Break" and Lauren went in to buy some water. I went to open my water, not realizing that Lauren had accidentally bought me carbonated water, and it exploded everywhere. I guess my karma was getting me back for going out the night before. We got to Warwick and hung out at the castle. It was so neat and we got to go all throughout it. I wish they would have given us another hour so I could have seen the combat and stuff, but I did find time to climb 530 steps to the top of the tower. We then got back on the bus and headed to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Anne Hathaway's (Shakespeare's wife) house and walked on the same exact floor that Shakespeare did and then to his birthplace (which we later found out was just his birthplace because he did not live in Stratford). After that it started to torrentially downpour and gave us only one choice of things to do during our 4 hour break: go to a pub. Now normally I would have loved sitting in a pub, sipping on beer and cider for 4 hours, but when you are lacking sleep, like I was, it is hard to finish even one pint and stay awake. I got some delicious fish and chips and then we headed to the theatre to see Taming of the Shrew (10 Things I Hate About You is based off of it). The theatre was neat, but the play was so hard to follow because not only did they modernize it, but it also was a play within a play. It might have also been hard to follow since I was struggling to stay awake. I was told that they changed the ending to the play so I guess I will have to read it to really understand it.
On the bus ride home I dabbled in sleeping and playing this 6 degrees type game with movies and actors. I wasn't playing to begin with so I started shouting out movies and I don't think that it made Lauren happy.
Today I once again woke up early and wrote my paper. We find out our internships and interview times today and then my flatmates and I are getting all dressed up and going to see Sex and the City. It came out here yesterday, but since we were Shakespearing it up until 12:30 AM, we couldn't go. Oh and Paris tomorrow!
Things I've learned:
1. Parking garages are called "Multi Storey Car Ports"
2. Shakespeare APPARENTLY died in a pub
3. Sports Cafe raised their pound pints to 1.50 pints and they start after 10
4. Roof thatching costs 17,000 pounds (AKA $34,000!!)
5. All Shakespeare gave his kids when he died was 5 pounds, but he gave his friends 10 pounds.
Cheerio and, in Miss Frasco's words, God Save the Queen