I'm going to quickly go through what happened before I left for Paris on Friday because we just got back from our overnight busride and I need some sleep.
Thursday we our internship placements. I still have an INTERVIEW with River Publishing, but I found out that it is competitive with people outside the program. So now I'm freaking out that I won't get it. I'm going to spend all my time until tomorrow at 3 pm preparing. But, she told me all these details about the internship and it sounds absolutely amazing.
My flatmates and I went to see Sex and the City early that evening. These mean French girls made us move because they tried to enforce the assigned seats rule, but nobody follows it. But that could never ruin the movie. It made me cry. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it!
Then came back and had champagne (to celebrate our internship interviews and Sex and the City) and made the most amazing dinner. And when I say most amazing, I mean it was the best meal I've had since being here (and I have eaten really good food) AND I made it. Grilled bell peppers in olive oil and italian seasoning, added noodles and spaghetti sauce. Bon appetite!
Then we had a fiasco. We participated in a little mouse hunt in Caroline and Lauren's room because we found the mouse. Well maybe mice, we're not sure, but chaos definitely ensued.
Paris: details after I have some sleep and can comprehend the weekend.
Things I've Learned:
1. Kids ride scooters EVERYWHERE (like the razor scooters). It's a necessity.
2. Brand Republic is the British version of Ad Age
3. I spend too much money
4. Don't stand next to the street because huge double decker buses will hit you (Christy had two close calls)
5. Everyone says cheers instead of thank you.
Okay off to bed since the bus ride didn't allow me to sleep much. Good night, or rather good morning (it's 7:28 am here.)
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